Sailor Moon R: The Movie | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

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Sailor Moon and friends must save Earth from the evil Kisenian Blossom.

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Sailor Moon R: The Movie

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StephenPaul C The greatest 01 hour: and 03 minutes ever!!!!!!!!! Either English dubbed or English subbed versions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars 07/10/23 Full Review Audience Member Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose is the very first Sailor Moon movie out of the original trilogy. I personally first saw Promise of the Rose as a kid back in 2001. Overall, Promise of the Rose is a better movie than Hearts In Ice was, but it's still not nearly as good as The Black Dream Hole movie is. There are two main problems that Promise of the Rose has. First, parts of the movie can be seen as depressing at times. Second, Promise of the Rose has a very bad ending. The storyline begins in a flashback scene where Darien was talking to his childhood friend, Fiore. Fiore then gives Darien part of a rose as a promise that they will be friends with each other forever. Since we learn that Fiore and Darien couldn't actually see each other for a very long time. Now, we know why the Sailor Moon R movie is called Promise of the Rose. Now we move back into the present. Serena and the Sailor scouts hang inside some type of green house. The gang is typically acting silly with each other at first, as usual. Serena begins saying "Forget me not". Then, Serena had to briefly explain to the Sailor Scouts what she actually meant. The Sailor Scouts and Rini also end up hiding back inside a bush.Then, Fiore begins to show up out of nowhere. Fiore reminds Darien of the rose that Fiore gave to Darien while they were still children. However, Fiore immediately gets angry and jealous at Darien just because Darien was hanging out with Serena. Since, Fiore specifically wanted Darien to be friends with him and, absolutely no one else. However, Darien visibly explains to Fiore why Serena means so much to him. We then come back with another flashback scene where we also learn that both of Darien's parents were unfortunately killed in a car accident. We then see Darien visibly upset, and crying in the hospital room. Then, Darien meets Serena for the very first time. Serena then tries to cheer Darien up. Darien then says that he no longer wants to be friends with Fiore, but Fiore still doesn't seem to care one bit. This is the reason why the Sailor Scouts had to fight against a bunch of flowery like monster looking like creatures. The Sailor Scouts end up having a final battle against Fiore in outer space. The Sailor Scouts were battling against Fiore on a giant, mechanical like pink flower. There's one part of the battle where Sailor Mercury analyzes how the enemies continue to multiply rapidly. As time goes on the, battle continues to get more tense. In fact, we actually see that Sailor Moon briefly dies in battle while she tries to fight against Fiore one on one. This is when the Sailor Scouts come in to help revive up Sailor Moon by showing up past flashbacks of the memories that the Sailor Scouts have with Sailor Moon. This is the part of the movie where we have the song "The Power Of Love" playing. Sailor Moon ends up coming back alive again, and Fiore is finally defeated in battle. Then, Fiore says goodbye to Darien, and they will never see each other ever again. Then, Fiore turns back into a child again and travels inside outer space inside a small, bubble. Other than that, everything else turns back to normal right on Earth. Obviously, the central theme of the Promise of the Rose is romance, going through hardships, and betrayal of past loved ones. However, the ending could have been much better if Darien and Fiore still kept in contact with each other even after the final battle was over with. It would have at least shown that Fiore would learn to understand how it's important to be in a relationship with more than one friend without getting jealous with one another. Plus, the most depressing part of the film was when both of Darien's parents were killed in a car accident. Also, Promise of the Rose is the only Sailor Moon movie that Sailor Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto doesn't appear in. Overall, Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose isn't a bad movie, but it just isn't all that great at the same time. However, I still recommend that Sailor Moon fans should go and watch Promise of the Rose just to see what the first film is truly like. The good *We finally get to see an actual Sailor Moon movie for the first time.*The film is pretty consistent with the central theme/focal point in the film. *The final battle to watch was pretty enjoyable/epic. The bad *Promise of the Rose has a pretty bad ending, in my opinion.*The general plot of the film is pretty weak, in my opinion. *Parts of the film can be pretty depressing at times. Presentation - 7Graphics - 10Sound - 10Lasting appeal - 7Final score 7 out of 10 (Good) Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Audience Member I love sailor moon and if you're into anime you must watch all the episodes and the films to find out just how good it is and so you don't miss anything. Probably the best ever animated cartoon for boys, girls and adults. You will fall in love with sailor moon because you just can't get enough. Rated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/11/23 Full Review Read all reviews

Sailor Moon R: The Movie

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Cast & Crew

Kunihiko Ikuhara Director Terri Hawkes Serena Vince Corazza Darien Katie Griffin Raye Karen Bernstein Amy Susan Roman Lita
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Sailor Moon R: The Movie

Sailor Moon R: The Movie (1993) Sailor Moon R: The Movie (1993) View more photos

Synopsis Sailor Moon and friends must save Earth from the evil Kisenian Blossom.

Kunihiko Ikuhara

Iriya Azuma

Sukehiro Tomita

Production Co
Viz Media

Fantasy, Animation

Original Language

Release Date (Streaming)
Apr 29, 2017

1h 3m
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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