Sledgehammer Tarkov Price (2024)

1. Fierce Blow sledgehammer - Tarkov Market

  • Fierce Blow sledgehammer - (Sledgehammer). Barter. Flea price. 699,500₽. Last lowest price. Upd: 2 hours ago. Price per slot. 69,950₽. (10 Slots).

  • Fierce Blow sledgehammer - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters

2. Fierce Blow sledgehammer | Escape From Tarkov

3. Fierce Blow sledgehammer - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki

  • The "Fierce Blow" sledgehammer is used as a hit tool for dismantling various technical and building structures. Hideout. 1 needs to be obtained for the ...

  • For the melee weapon, see Superfors DB 2020 Dead Blow Hammer. Fierce Blow sledgehammer (Sledgehammer) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. The "Fierce Blow" sledgehammer is used as a hit tool for dismantling various technical and building structures. 1 needs to be obtained for the Defective Wall level 4 Technical supply crate Tools spawns

4. Fierce Blow sledgehammer in Escape from Tarkov: Item Details | Blitz

  • Price. ₽33,349. Fierce Blow sledgehammer. Type. Price. Price per slot: (10 Slots). ₽29,994. Fee. ₽16,599. 24h Avg. Price. ₽312,188. 7d Avg. Price. ₽335,280.

  • The "Fierce Blow" sledgehammer is used as a hit tool for dismantling various technical and building structures.

5. Sledgehammer - Criminality Wiki - Fandom

  • It can only be purchased at dealers with the price of $375, unlocked at level 33 or with $59,000 at level 1. Usage & Tactics. The Sledgehammer is pretty slow ...

  • The Sledgehammer is a skull-crushing melee that was released on May 22nd, 2023 as a part of v2.0.0 update. It can only be purchased at dealers with the price of $375, unlocked at level 33 or with $59,000 at level 1. The Sledgehammer is pretty slow with a buggy hitbox like the Shovel. Even with the low stamina usage, the wielder should land their swings carefully due to how vulnerable they'll be after each swing. While one hit from the Sledgehammer does a whopping 70 damage, it is recommended to

6. EFT Flea Market Prices - EFTFG

  • Quickly find up to date prices of any item from Escape From Tarkov. See recent price, average prices, price changes, and the best trader price.

7. Tarkov Market: Flea market

  • Melee weapons · Streets of Tarkov · Keys > Streets of Tarkov · Crafts calculator

  • Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, maps, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov

8. Superfors DB - The Real Gear from Tarkov

  • Craftsman Sledge Hammer, 10-pound. While this isn't as close to in game, it ... Want to join the discord to help with the site or to talk to other Tarkov players?

Sledgehammer Tarkov Price (2024)


Is Sledgehammer rare tarkov? ›

The Fierce Blow Sledgehammer is predominantly used as a hit tool for dismantling various technical and building structures in Escape from Tarkov. Since it is a technical item, the number of places where it can possibly spawn is very limited.

How big is the hammer in tarkov? ›

Fierce Blow sledgehammer
General data
Weight5.5 kg
Grid size2x5
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Where is the best place for sledgehammer tarkov? ›

Sledgehammer is a 5x2 technical item, so the amount of places where it can spawn is very limited. The main source of those are big brown wooden boxes called Technical supply crates. There are a lot of crates like that on Reserve, Streets of Tarkov, Lighthouse, and some places on Customs also have them.

What is the rarest item in tarkov? ›

I got the "waist bag" which is a 2x2 secure container and the rarest item in the game. Twitch streamer cooldee__ (dogtag in waist bag) found it on a pmc raid, but since you cant drop your kappa he could not pick it up. He told his chat to queue in and try to get it. I found it and extracted.

What item is worth the most in tarkov? ›

The Most Valuable Loot to Grab in Escape from Tarkov
  • Prioritize military loot - Any item with “military” in the name is almost guaranteed to be worth grabbing. ...
  • Check safes and cash registers - Safes and cash registers contain some of the most sought-after loot in Tarkov.

What is the meta weapon in Tarkov? ›

308 MDR. The 308 MDR is literally the definition of EFT weapons meta. It is considered the best gun in the game due to its exceptional balance of firepower, accuracy, and ease of use.

What is the value of MOA in Tarkov? ›

The accuracy stat in escape from Tarkov is represented in MOA. This means the larger the number, the larger the possible distance between shots on the same stationary target can land. 1 MOA roughly equals 1 inch at 100 yards, meaning a gun with a 1 MOA accuracy will shoot within a ~ 1" circle at 100 yards.

How much is overweight Tarkov? ›

Going into raids while reasonably geared up will cause most lower strength players to become overweight (about 22-25 kg). With most armor / armored rigs being 7-13 kg, and guns ranging from 4-8 kg, it is not difficult to simply bring more ammo, mags, and other gear to cause one to hit the necessary weight.

What is the strongest melee in tarkov? ›

By far the best melee weapon available to players is the universal tool called the USVR Taigar-1 Survival Machete. While it also doubles up as a shovel this purpose isn't necessary in Escape From Tarkov as all that matters is the damage it deals as players won't be disappointed by the 50 stabbing damage.

Who is the sledgehammer guy in tarkov? ›

Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down more of the weaponry of Escape From Tarkov, including the Chiappa Rhino, the ADAR 2-15 and a hideously cursed Glock 18C.

How long does a defective wall take? ›

Defective Wall
LevelFunction: AdditiveConstruction Time
5Fuel consumption +5% Energy regeneration rate -3 EP/hr Health regeneration rate -22.8 HP/hr Additional Raid EXP -3% Group of skills levelling boost: Physical -3%3 Hours
5 more rows

Is sledgehammer a rare skin? ›

Between his limited availability window years ago and his striking dark uniform and armour, Sledge has rightfully earned his reputation as a rare skin.

Is the secret sledge rare? ›

Secret Sledge is an Uncommon Pickaxe in Fortnite, that could have been obtained as a reward from the Covert Ops Quests.

When was the last sledgehammer Cod? ›

2014Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareAssisted by Raven Software
2017Call of Duty: WWIIAssisted by Raven Software
2019Call of Duty: Modern WarfareAssisting Infinity Ward
2020Call of Duty: WarzoneAssisting Infinity Ward and Raven Software
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What is the strongest melee in Tarkov? ›

By far the best melee weapon available to players is the universal tool called the USVR Taigar-1 Survival Machete. While it also doubles up as a shovel this purpose isn't necessary in Escape From Tarkov as all that matters is the damage it deals as players won't be disappointed by the 50 stabbing damage.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.