TuxedoMsk's Ys Book I & II Online Walkthrough and Guide (2025)

* When playing, you should take notes on what certain characters say.
Otherwise, you might get stuck later on.

* Combat is not as simple as just running into your enemies. Hit them from
the sides too! But, look out! When dealing with a boss, strategy is often
more important than strength!

* You never know when some items will be useful, so test them regularly.
Remember, every item has a special purpose!

* In Book II, make sure you talk to all of the townspeople. Some may even
require more than one visit!

* In either Book I or II always try to fill the requests of people when you are presented with one. You will be at least rewarded with items you find along the way, but when you return it at the least you'll get a thanks. At the most you will get some experience points and possibly also a place to recharge your "HP" and "MP"(Ys Book II) for free when you come back.

* Instead of buying cheap weapons right away, save your money to buy the more expensive ones. You will save money and will be more powerful early in the game!

* Make a map of the complex areas (such as the caves). Otherwise, you might get lost!

* Want to build experience? In Book I go into the bottom floor of the Shrine and/or the Mine and walk back and forward killing goons to get fast quick experience and gold boosts. In Book II, go to Jiri's basement once you have the Evil Bell and ring it. A hole in the wall will appear and an endless supply of monster will pour out. Just sit there for a hour or two and constantly shoot your Fire magic up the hole racking up easy and extremely fast experience and gold boosts. Note that beyond the hole is the sixth priests tomb, Fact's, once the book is returned the way to Solomon Shrine will be then opened up. Also if you run out of Magic Points see Lilia's mom in the southeast part of town in her home for a recharge.

* Here's another way to build experience. As with all video games of this genre all the ground is built on a tile(square) system on the screen. Take for instance the Field in Ys Book I, in certain areas you may see that a new enemy will just reappear when you just walk away from the screen and back. These are so-called "Hot Spots" and keeping that in mind you can gain fast experience by going back and forward from it causing a monster to keep regenerating so you can kill it and get its experience and gold.

[VIII. Ys Book I Walkthrough]

As our story opens the young swordsman Adol Christin is approaching the townof Esteria on a wooden sailing vessel ready to take on whatever his on goingadventures will lead him. Once the vessel docks he is approached by thefortune teller Sara who calls for him to come over to her house and speak withher. In Sara's house she presents him with a problem and a quest. Evil wasreturning to the land and she knew that the world needed a saviour. As sheexplained that to Adol he accepted the mission and she continued on. She letsAdol know that he must locate the Six Books of Ys to save the land. To guidehim on his way Sara gives him an item Sara's Crystal and tells him to headtoward Zeptic Village.

Outside Adol decides to scout around town for information from thetownspeople. Adol hears some notable information like from this pair ofchildren and there mother they hear about the Roda Tree and that they playnear it. Another man mentions that Pim is a person that would sell his ownmother if he needed the cash in a hurry. But the most notable pieces ofinformation come from two girls. A blue haired lady mentions that her father,the Elder of Zeptic Village is in need of some help. The other is in thenortheast corner in a purple garb, a poet named Lair that has had her SilverHarmonica stolen away from her. Next Adol decides to stop by the bar in themiddle of town to see if he can find some more information. Inside he meets aman who talks to him about the thieves in the area robbing people and asks Adolfor help, and of course Adol agrees. Then there is the one eyed man who isafraid to go home because he lost a gift to his wife, a sapphire ring.

With the information Adol gained he decides to head to Pim's Shop up in thenorthwestern part of town. In the shop Pim comes up to greet Adol, Pim is ashifty looking character that shouldn't probably be trusted. He tells youthat he has items for sale, and will buy things as well. You find that he hasthe Sapphire Ring, remembering the man who lost his ring you buy it off ofhim. Adol then departs the store and heads back to return it to the one eyedman. The very happy man in return pays you back and then some, you gain anextra $500.

Now with that out of the way the choice is really up to you. Adol could nowbuy a short sword and chain armor for a little protection, or you go northinto the field and head to Zeptic Village. (Editors Note: I will keep thisgoing assuming you bought the items for protection and better attackingpower.) Adol decides though to check out the armor and weapons shops andinvests in the gear mentioned above. Before leaving Adol headed over to checkout Dr. Klaus's Hospital which was in the northeast part of town next to Lair.Inside he found that here he could buy herbs to restore his life and can gettreatment there as well. Taking this into consideration with the journeyahead he made a point to remember during his journey ahead. Outside the townAdol remembers that he needs to head to Zeptic and has to follow the path toget there, and that also there is a Golden Vase to be found. As Adol headednorth along the path he had to combat a great deal of goons on the way, mainlyknights. Eventually though Adol approached a bridge which the path followedto the east, and once he crossed it he came across stronger goons like smalllion like creatures and tin men. Scouting about he found a small pond, andfound he could approach it from the southwest end. There he saw a sparkle inthe water and dove in, what luck! Adol found the Golden Vase, when he returnsthis to Pim he'll get $2000 for his troubles. He then returns to the path andenters Zeptic Village.

Once in Zeptic Village Adol decided to find the Elders home, and he did alittle north and east of the entrance. Once inside the Elder told Adol ofthat the towns Silver Bell, an item of great importance to the village wasstolen, and he suspected it was the thieves. The Elder then asked Adol if hewould head into the mountains in the north to find the thieves and get theSilver Bell back, Adol agrees. Once outside, Adol decides to talk a bit withthe people of the village to collect more information. After speaking withthe townspeople he finds that some are suspicious of the Silver Bell beingmissing, and others point you to the mountains as well in the north wherethere is a shrine, and the thieves hideout. As Adol collected informationthough, as per Sara's request he found the home of Jeva and speak with her.When he enters her home she was Adol had Sara's Crystl and then spoke to him.Jeva told him about the shrine to the north which is rumored by legend to holdone of the Books of Ys, and hands him the Shrine Key so that he may enter andexplore.

On his way, Adol heads north into the mountains and comes after some sparseweak opposition, and finds the shrine just ahead. (Editors Note: Here is agreat place to build some more experience. I suggest you kill enough enemiesto attain Level 5 so you don't find it next to impossible to survive theShrine.) Once there he remembered that the he needed to find the theives dento the northeast first, and continued to scale the mountain, until he found arickety bridge that led to a cabin with an old man outside. Adol spoke to theman and he ranted about losing his friend inside Darm Tower and not hearingfrom him since. Adol then went inside to find Goban Toba, the theives leader.Adol was greeted by him and then had to choose to call him a dirty theif, orask him if he's seen the Silver Bell, Adol took diplomacy and asked nicely.Goban Toba said that he had not seen it, and mentioned that he was a victim ofcrime too in that all his silver wares were gone. He then also before Adolleft told him he was welcome to return and he would fill him in on informationthat Adol might need when he has a question. (Editors Note: Once you have theMask of Eyes from the Shrine you can take it to Goban Toba and he'll let youknow its use which is to be able to see things monsters can and humans can't.)Once inside, sees a magnificent hall laiden with pillars and six statues ofGoddesses. But off to the east Adol notices something quite strange, thethird and last statue to the right of the entrance was not bluish gray likethe others, but is gold. A curious Adol steps forward and touches it, andthen he finds that he has been transported into the depths of the shrine.Before him is a large area laiden with many smaller rooms with many doorsleading many places. Adol decides to try to head in a southwestern directionin his search to find the Book of Ys.

Once he has gone as far as he can he sees a door that heads north and takesthat passage. Little does Adol know though that he has stumbled into a trap.As he steps into a room with with an emblem on the ground which is circularand has six spots on it an enemy appears! Adol is suddenly attacked by alarge wizard. Adol watches briefly and notices that all six of the statuesblow fire in a pattern and that the wizard makes himself visible and invisiblebriefly around the room where the fire shoots in to. Adol then decides tostrike once he figures out a pattern which is to wait for when the Wizardappears close to him and to attack him from the bottom, but only when the fireis not in the same area so that he isn't roasted alive, and continues theattack until the wizard is dead.

With the wizard dead Adol approached the large door in the middle of the wallin the back of the room. Seeing it was locked he used the Shrine Key Jevagave to him and proceeded in. Inside Shrine Depth 1 Adol found the place wasriddled with cooridors and many small and medium sized rooms which runs inmany directions, and some into dead ends. Scouting about this floor he cameacross many large yellow goons with large blades which didn't present him withmuch of a problem. In the east end of this room he found two jail cells, butcould not see in. To the direct south of them as far as he could go he founda locked chest, and then decided to go west. Eventually he hit a wall and hadto go a little north, but to his surprise he found another chest, but it waslocked too. Backing out the way he came, Adol then decided to head south fromthe doorway he came in, and he found a long passage into the lower second partto the same floor. This floor though was much less complex with larger roomsand and less passages. Still heading south the hall ended and he had to headeast. He then came up to a piece of hallway with two doors and two statues.Curious he took the first doorway and headed northward. To his surprise hefound yet another chest, but it was mysteriously guarded by two small bluemonsters. Adol figuring it must be important he killed the two monsters andtried to open the chest, and it did! Inside he found a special key, thePrison Key which he knew was important to them.

Remembering the jail cells on the other part of this floor, and the two chestsas well he backtracked to the cell. When he opened the left one he found oneof those blue monsters, but backed out before it saw him. Trying the othercell to his surprise he found a light blue haired girl named Feena shackled tothe wall. Adol at her pleading request broke the chains. In return shethanked him but didn't know why she was captured. Adol told her that sheshould leave while he distracts the guards and go back to Zeptic Village, andshe does, but not before giving Adol the Treasure Box Key. Adol knew now withthis key he could open all the treasure boxes he came across. With this keyhe went to the two treasure boxes he saw on this part of the floor and openedthem. To his surprise the chest south of the cell had a Necklace, and theother west of that item had a weird mask, the Mask of Eyes. With his prize heheaded back to the southern part of the floor but this time took the door onthe right. After going as north as he could he came to a room with two longpassages, Adol decided though to be through and checks the left one with thenbranched to the west. Coming up on a four way crossing he decides to look tothe south first, and he finds a new chest, and inside the Village of Zeptic'slost Silver Bell! He then checks the other ways and comes up with nothing andthen backtracks to to other passage and finds nothing as well. Then headingto another passage right to that one he found that the room turned east, andthen far south and approached another door that lead down.

Now in the bottom of the Shrine in Shrine Depth 2 Adol sees he can go south orwest, Adol decides to go as west as possible. As luck would have it Adolfinds a chest in the far west room which held the Ivory Key. Adol then wouldbacktrack a bit to the east until the first passage south he came across. Atthis point he could go west which then turned south, or to the east, thinkingthe west looked promising he headed that way and proceeded south as possibleuntil all he could do was head east in the direction of a gold goddess statue.Curious he touched it, and like before it transported him, it sent him to theother part of the Shrine Depth 2 floor where he came across some harderenemy's like a with and a large cowardly lion. Heading south he came acrossa door in which he could head west or east, Adol decided to go west and yetfound another chest with a refreshing heal potion. Curious Adol backtrackedto the gold statue and transported back and then continued to the east, andthen north, east, and south as the passage went to another gold statue andused it. In this room he saw he could take a door to the south and did. Thisroom lead to another above it, and that to another below, and that one led toa great treasure in a room above it, the Silver Shield which was stolen inthe Esterian armor shop. Adol then backtracked to that first gold statue andused it again, and instead of going west Adol went south and something caughthis eye. A blue statue seemed to be different, it twinkled and caught hisattention and suspicion. Remembering that he has the Mask of Eyes and that itcan see what humans can't he put it on and amazingly a door appeared to theeast of the statue and Adol proceeded in. With the mask off and his visionrestored he had a choice to go north to a gold statue or south and east. Adoldecided to remember the statue and head south and east. Continuing along fromroom to room he eventually found a gold statue and used it transporting him toa slender room which lead to a chest, when opened he received the Marble Key.When that he backtracked to the other gold statue and then used it. Oncetransported he ended up in a great pillared hall which led to the west.Walking along it eventually bent to the north and ended up at a locked door.Adol with his Ivory and Marble Key tried the Ivory Key, and it unlocked whichrevealed another small hallway leading to a grand door. Locked too he thenused the last key, the Marble Key and gained access to a rectangle room with achest in the top left corner and a circular emblem on the floor like up abovewhere he fought the wizard which worried him. When he reached for the chestit vanished and this imprint of a large centipede monster came to life. Alarge redish centipede attacked Adol by running around the room in no realdistinguishing pattern. Adol figured with no pattern that he would just haveto avoid its sharp pinchers on its head and attack it anywhere. Adol did justthat, and soon killed it and the chest reappeared. Adol relieved approachedit and opened it to find what he was sent for, a Book of Ys, this one inparticular was the Book of Ys written by Hadal! Victorious Adol headed backup to the top floor of the shrine, but now with the key he looked around abit, and to his surprise west of the statue he originally came in from hefound the Armor Ring, and south and northeast of that statue in the far end ofthe floor he found one other chest with a magnificent Ruby inside.

With his new found items and information from Goban Toba Adol headed back toZeptic Village to see the elder. When inside with the elder he returned thetown's Silver Bell and was thanked deeply and rewarded with a spot to rest inthe future to regain all his "HPs". Adol then proceeded to leave ZepticVillage and headed back to see Sara in Esteria hoping that she would tell himwhat the book says. Once there he found that Sara was gone, but she had lefta letter behind. In this letter she apologuizes for leaving but claims shehad to because she knew that the villagers were going to murder her because ofher vast knowledge of the Book of Ys, so she left. Futhermore she notes thatshe had a very important item for Adol, and left it with the poet Lair for himto pick up. On a closing note she lets Adol know that her crystal told herthat the next Book of Ys was deep in the abandoned mine to the northeast. Andwith these pieces of information he went to see Lair to get the item. But,unfortunately for Adol she would only give him this item in return for herstolen Silver Harmonica. A rejected (and probably pissed off) Adol thendecides to head to Pim's Shop to sell off the Necklace and Ruby he gained fromthe Shrine knowing Pim would pay probably good money for them. Once insideAdol presented Pim with the items, he was quite unamuzed with the necklace andgave him $500 for it because it was missing jewels on it that it used to have.But he was very happy with the large Ruby and gave top dollar to Adol for it,$1200. (Editors Note: With the money you get from these and all that you gotfrom fighting outside the shrine, and especially inside it I recommend you buyall the best armors, swords, and shields because otherwise you WILL DIE with-out them inside the mine.) With Adol in the position he is in and knowingwhere he must go, he grabs his gear and heads to the abandoned mine.

Once inside the mine it was quite dark which didn't bother Adol, but the limitit put on his sight it made his travels more difficult. Adol decided to pressforward and headed to the west of the entrance. As he began to make his wayhe came across some strong opposition and was glad that he equipped himselfwith all the best armors, shields, and swords possible, and brought his levelof experience up too. Adol was of course with a little work able to put downthe opposition on this depth with little problems. When the passage gave himthe opportunity to Adol could head northwest and in other directions. Adolthough chose to head northwest, and it was a wise decision. In this area ofthe floor Adol stumbled upon two treasure chests and opened them with hisTreasure Box Key. Inside found a Healing Potion and was able to rejuvenatehis "HPs", and to his great surprise in the other chest was the Silver Armor!Searching around a little bit more Adol decided to head south to see what hecould find. And in the far southwestern area he found yet another treasurechest, and inside was the Timer Ring. With his treasures Adol decided to lookaround a little more to see if he could find a door deeper into the mine, ormaybe more treasure, Adol found a door.

As Adol emerged down on the second level of the abandoned mine thinking of hisluck upstairs decided to east west again in hopes of scavenging more greatprizes. As he headed west as luck would have it Adol found a treasure chest,and inside he found a Roda Seed, hmm maybe it'll be useful later he thoughtand held onto it. Then continuing on farther to the west Adol yet againstumbled upon another chest, and when he opened it to his surprise he foundLair's Silver Harmonica. Adol being pleased with himself knew when hereturned he could get whatever the item was that was left with her by Sara.Now Adol working his way around headed into the southeastern part of the floorfound just one more treasure chest, and inside it he found the Healing Ring.Then Adol working his way around some more found yet a third door justcentered north of the entrance to the second level.

As Adol entered the third floor of the mine he wondered what else he couldfind in this mine, beyond eventually finding the Book of Ys Sara's lettermentioned was here. But to Adol's surprise there were tougher enemies on thislevel of the mine, like nasty fast moving firebirds. Adol pressing on fromthe entrance decided to take the only way he could go, to the east, and thento the northeast. As he proceeded, as he went as far as he could he found atreasure chest, and inside he found the Darm Key, which was the key that wouldgrant him passage to Darm Tower. Adol then proceeded to the west end of thislevel and found another chest and inside found a Healing Potion he could useto refill his "HP". Adol then headed south, and there he found a large grandblue door which looked like the one he saw in the Shrine where he got Hadal'sBook of Ys and hoped another was inside. When he stepped inside there was achest, but when he approached it, it vanished, and a large birdlike creatureappeared. After studying this monster for a little bit he noticed that hecould only hit the thing when he was not in a multiple bats form. Also Adolfound that he had to attack the things head when it was a solid entity. Doingso, Adol with a bit of work dispatched the birdlike monster and the chest thenreappeared. Pleased with his victory he walked over and opened it to see hisprize, and a prize it was. Adol had won another Book of Ys, Dabbies edition.

After escaping the abandoned mine Adol headed quickly back to Esteria to giveLair her stolen Silver Harmonica. When he returned Lair her Silver Harmonica,the pleased girl kept her promise and gave Adol his item. To his shock andamazement it was a third Book of Ys, Toba's Book, and to further the pleasureLair played a great, yet soothing piece on her Silver Harmonica for Adol.Feeling good about himself, and happy he got another Book of Ys, Adol headedto Zeptic Village to see Jeva about the books. On his way Adol after crossingthe bridge came across a large Roda Tree along the road to Zeptic Village.Adol though, this time heard some whispering, as if he was being watched bysomeone over by the Roda Tree Seed. As he approached the Tree, it spoke tohim! A stunned Adol listened to its message and was directed to see the RodaTree's brother south of where he was to find the secret of Esteria, and Adolwent looking. A little ways south, and slighly to the west he found anotherRoda Tree and tried to speak to it. The Roda Tree warned him of great deathand destruction and told Adol that he must set out on a journey to stop it.Then suddenly a bright light appeared coming from the tree's roots and fromthe ground came the long lost Silver Sword! After obtaining his sword, Adolthen headed towards Zeptic Village.

As Adol entered Zeptic Village he headed towards the home of Jeva. Inside tohis surprise he found not only Jeva, but Feena, the girl he rescued earlierfrom the cell in the Shrine. Speaking to Feena, Adol found that Jeva isallowing her to stay there, but she can't figure out why she was dragged intothe Shrine. Whenever she tries to remember Feena says she gets a headache.Then Adol turned to Jeva and she noticed he had three of the six Books of Ys.Jeva offered to read the Volumes Hadal, Toba, and Dabbie to him and Adolaccepted. Volume Hadal read that the prosperity of Ys began with the creationof a magical metal known as Cleria. On the highest mountain stands SolomonShrine which symbolized the great wealth of Ys. The land of Ys was ruled bytwo goddesses and six priests. The goddesses were the embodiment of ourwealth and happiness. Then Jeva picked up Volume Toba and read a short pieceto Adol which said that one day, a wave of terrible violence came upon Ys andour lives were ripped apart. Then she read after putting Volume Toba down alonger passage from Volume Dabbie. It said that the carnage came quickly andwith no warning. Lava flowed through the land and soon all was ablaze. Webelieve the creation of Cleria was the source of this violent act of terror.Therefore, we buried the Cleria deep beneath the ground. If the Cleria everunearthed, the same tragedy will strike Ys again. Then Jeva was done, but shenoted that the other three Books of Ys must rest in Darm Tower the festeringplace of evil. She went on to tell Adol to find her son Goban and ask him tohelp get to the towers entrance, and then she ended on the note that Adolseemed strong to her and would be ok. On that note with a destination givento him by Jeva he set out to find Goban.

Adol remembering that Goban was none other than Goban Toba, leader of thethieves he headed up the mountain and straight to his hideout on the ridge.Once inside Goban Toba speaks to you and says that he has heard of Adol'sbravery and that he was looking for the other Books of Ys. He notes that thelocals fear Darm Tower and have so named it the Tower of Death. He goes on assaying that because of the evils and creeps inside the tower that a one waydoor was installed and that once he enters he can not exit again. Goban Tobathen notices that you have a Wing(if you do) and he takes it from you offeringto hold it until you exit because you can't use it inside to escape. And withthis he opens the back door to his home which leads into a short cave and atthe end, the one way door into Darm Tower.

Once inside, as he was warned it would happen, the door slammed shut andsealed itself from the outside, there was no going back now. Walking alongAdol didn't find any real resistance on the first floor, just one enemy, a rowof jail cells to the west, and to the south of the entrance a door which wouldtake him out and around to the next floor. Here there were more enemies, butthere were also four chests in this area. One was though already open andwhatever was inside was gone, but in the other chests were the Evil Ring, aHealing Potion, and the other a Mirror. As Adol continued along her came intoa room with three statues made of stone, and suddenly there was a large flash.When Adol came to his senses he found he was in a cell and that all his SilverItems were gone. Adol tried to talk to a man in the room but got no where sohe began to search for a way out. When he touched the prison door a largehole was blown in the wall scattering brick everywhere and a person immerged.You find that this person is Colin, the person the Old Man outside had toldyou was lost inside, but he doesn't look too lost to you. He gives you theEagle Statue and tells you that you must seek out a man named Rasta and thatthe key to finding him is to search for a long room with statues along thewall. Adol then departed back up the tower again and not much later he cameacross such a room. Not seeing a door he felt it would be wise to try on theMask of Eyes and see what might turn up, and something did, a door, and Adolproceeded inside. Heading south in this room with no enemies he came upon theold man Rasta. Rasta once he listed to your tale and that you had been givenan item by Colin and showed him the Eagle Statue he thanks you for returningit. Rasta is so thankful even that he bestows upon you the Blue Necklacewhich Adol is told is vital for his mission and it will be required later.Adol then decided to slip the Blue Necklace over his neck, and put the EvilRing on his finger and proceeded on. Lucky for him that he did because thistime when he got back to the floor where he lost his Silver Items and wastransported to that cell he wasn't sent back.

As he proceeded onto the seventh floor of Darm Tower Adol found a lone chestand inside, his stolen Silver Sword! Proceeding on in contentment he went tothe west and found a set of stairs heading up to the eighth floor to a greendoor. Suspicious that something could be awaiting inside he headed in slowly.As he entered he was jumped by a large mantis like creature. Examining theattack pattern of this monster Adol found that it could only throw threeboomerang like claws at one time and that when they were out it was vunerableto a few sword attacks. Seeing this weakness Adol continued to attack in thismanner until the monster gave up and died. When it vanished Adol found thattwo chests appeared and proceeded to open them. One of the chest held a smallhammer, and the other had a great treasure, the fourth Book of Ys.

Proceeding to the stairs Adol headed up to the ninth floor and found himselfsurrounded by four dangerous statues, and to save himself Adol froze them withthe Mirror. Adol quickly headed east and found stairs that went up to thetenth floor and when there found that on this floor there were two stairwells.He noticed that the west door went outside the tower and the eastern door wentup to the eleventh floor, and that's where Adol went. Inside Adol was all ofa sudden being quickly poisoned to death by gas and made a run for the firstdoor he could find on the right, and inside found a man to talk to. Adol thenran back into the poison room and out the door he first came in and took theother door outside. Adol then examined the area around him and decided to tryto crack a hole in the tower with the hammer to release the poison gas. Adoldecided to start cracking pillars and worked his way west of the door. WhenAdol finally made it to the fifth pillar it seemed different in the way itbroke, and all of a sudden the gas began to vent out. A pleased Adol thenheaded back to the room that was poisonous and continued on and entered thenext door on the right where he found a man, Luta Gemma, had a talk with himand put it in his mind to remember where he is. Heading out back into theonce poisonous room and found a set of stairs that headed up to the thirteenthfloor which quickly lead to steps up to the fourteenth floor of Darm Tower.Once inside the fourteenth floor he found another one of those large greenishdoors and remembering what happened last time entered slowly. Suddenly thislarge eyeball monster appeared, and after studying its movements decided thebest course of action was to just hit and run, once it was dead Adol was thenrewarded with the fifth Book of Ys, Gemma's Volume and a brooch.

Returning to the thirteenth floor Adol proceeded down to a mirror, and used inconjuntion with the brooch. He found that it would transport him places, andhe found himself in a mirror maze. Following the mirrors and doorways aheadof him, Adol eventually stumbled upon a chest and when opened he was able toregain his Silver Armor. Now looking for a way out of the mirror maze Adolended up in a room with mirrors that were side by side, and touching themirror on the right transported him to the place which had the stairs that ledhim out of that awful maze. Taking the stairs up Adol made it up to thefifteenth floor of Darm Tower were he found a chest holding a powerful BattleShield. Once he had it he looked for a way to exit and end up on the nextfloor. He found that when he headed west there was the exit that lead up tothe sixteenth floor which ended up being a crossway to an extension tower offto the side of Darm Tower and proceed until he came to a green door. Since hestill had his Blue Necklace and Evil Ring equipped the door easily opened andinside to his amazement he found Lair, the poetess! She explains to you thatshe wanted to be caught and sealed in the tower because she had something togive to you that you had to have on your journey up the tower, a pair ofGlasses. She explained further that with these special Glasses Adol can readany of the six Books of Ys.

Curious Adol pulled out the fourth Book of Ys, Messa's Volume and read a smallpart. The book said that the evil powers had shown their force. A dark andeerie stranger had been following us and began closing in. All the villagepeople were terrified and could offer no defense against this vile devil andthe creatures who stalked the neighborhoods. Finally, we escaped into SolomonShrine after being chased by six hatchet men. Soon after this, the Goddessesdisappeared and have long ever since. The next day the attacks suddenlystopped. We haven't seen the dark stranger since. Then a more curious Adolput away the book and then opened the fifth Book of Ys, Gemma's Volume andcontinued to read on. He read that a special amulat has been handed down forgenerations within the Gemma family. This deep blue amulat has the uniquepower to break the wicked curse of the evil intruders. With this new foundinformation Adol headed back out of the room and headed back down to theeleventh floor where Luta Gemma was to talk with him, and once Adol spoke withhim he was rewarded with the Blue Amulet.

Adol then proceeded back from there up to the fifteenth floor and then tookthe other set of stairs to the seventeenth floor of Darm Tower where he founda chest with a Healing Potion inside to restore his "HPs" and looked for a wayout and up again. From there he found to the west and found the stairs thatheaded up to the eighteenth floor. Once there he found the floor had two setsof stairs and decided to take the one on right and ended up in a room on thenineteenth floor which had a chest surrounded by four statues. Rememberingall his occurances before he made sure to have the Blue Necklace and the EvilRing equipped and proceeded over and opened the chest and received the Battle-Armor. Then returning to the floor before he went to the left door and up along flight of steps up to the twentieth floor. Going west through this floora hole suddenly appeared in the wall and Adol stepped inside. In there hefound a chest with two guards protecting it. Taking one on at a time andusing a combination of different ring powers from the Heal, Armor, and TimerRings he was able to win the battle. When he approached the chest and openedit he received the Flame Sword and then he exited the hole and proceeded westuntil he approached the stairs to the next floor and went up.

On the twenty-first floor he entered yet another tiring hall of mirrors again.Wandering around for awhile checking all his surroundings Adol came across aplace with three doorways. After some hard thinking Adol chose to start withthe right and if need be, work his way back to the left. He then found he wasin a passage that headed to the east and followed it to the end where therewere steps to the next floor. On the twenty-second floor there was also manymirrors, Adol touched them and appeared near another green door. Inside Adolwas attacked by a pair of faces. Adol noticed that besides obviously havingto avoid fireballs floating around the heads that he could walk on them and beunharmed. So when they began to come close together Adol ran between them totry to keep them separate. This seemed to weaken the creature and so he thencontinued the attack and noticed the creature began to weaken by the fact thefireballs became fewer and fewer. Eventually the fire burned out, and so didthe odd creatures life force.

Adol then proceeded to go west and then north up a a few long flights of stepsand came upon yet another green door. This time it didn't open using theBlue Necklace and Evil Ring so Adol thought to himself what would work andremembered the Blue Amulet he got from Luta Gema that was mentioned in theBook of Ys, Gemma's Volume. When he placed it around his neck and pushed atthe door it creaked open, and inside to his surprise he found the keeper ofthe sixth Book of Ys, Dark Fact. Adol could tell he wasn't going to give itup without a fight and Dark Fact made that quite clear by attacking Adol toprotect his possession. Adol then remembering Silver can hurt Dark Fact hecan protect himself with Silver too he equipped the Silver Sword, Shield, andArmor. Suddenly the platform they were on arose into the air and Dark Factpressed the attack. Dark Fact moved around the platform flailing fireballs atAdol while trying to keep some distance. Adol though hit him with the SilverSword and found that the floor would break away under that area when he didso. So Adol waited until he would run around the outside of the platform andwould chase after Dark Fact and just kept sticking his sword into him, furtherdamaging Dark Fact, but also making the floor collapse leaving less room tomaneuver. Dark Fact after awhile was beginning to look pretty sorry and wornout, but so did Adol. Eventually though Adol triumphed over the evil DarkFact and he collapsed.

Adol was victorious and claimed his prize, the sixth and final Book of Ys,Fact's Volume. And a pleased, yet tired and battle worn Adol pulled out hisGlasses to read Volume Fact. When he opened it he found that it read thatalthough the attacks had stopped, we could still feel the terrifying presenceof evil. We decided it would be safer to lift the land out of harms reach.We hope to return one day to our former tranquility. We have placed thecollective powers of Ys into these six books in the hope that a brave warriorwill somehow rid out land of these demons. Only then we can rest in peace.As Adol closed the book and replaced his Glasses a brilliant white light beganto form around Adol. The light grew from something quite small into a whitelight encasing Adol.

At the same time in another far off dark place we see a poorly lit room witha mirror of some sort and a man beams in. He says that all communication toDarm Tower has been cut off, what should be do to stop this rouge. The roomand mirror lights up and a voice immerges saying that his bravery presents aninteresting challenge and wants to see how far this Adol character can gobefore we crush him.

Then back at Darm Tower a now unconscious Adol is spinning in the lightupright with six balls floating about him. Suddenly there is a large blast oflight and Adol is placed in a large ball of light and is sent straming offinto the sky higher and higher into the air. Now as he flies through the skyhigher and higher we see in another place a girl out in a field running overthe hillside. The ball of light Adol is in moves closer and closer to thisodd floating land in the sky, cound this be Ys? Suddenly the ball arcs downand clashes into a beam of pure energy into the ground catching the girlsattention. As the beam hits the ground Adol unconscious floating on his backis lowered down onto the ground and the beam of light vanishes as quick as itappeared. She comes over to Adol and as he awakens he sees her looking downat his face. She askes Adol if he is alright and Adol returns by asking whomight you be to her. She explains that she is Lilia from Rance Village andthat she felt a cold shiver down her spine and was compelled to come into thisdirection. This is where I found your body lying on the ground and shefinished by saying she saw his body surrounded by a white pure light. Adolthen asked where am I do her and Lilia said that this is the Land of Ys. Shecontinued to say that there are many goons on patrol in this area and thatthey should quickly return to her village. Adol agrees and says she is rightand to let's go. Lilia smiles back and they headed quickly to Rance Village.

[IX. Ys Book II Walkthrough]

As Adol entered Rance Village with Lilia he decided to scout around and talkto a few of the villagers before entering the village Elder's home to speakwith him. As he talked with a few people he found out a little bit of news onLilia's condition, she's sick, which troubled Adol. He also found that onewho knew about the inside of a place he'll probably end up has the mark of Ysetched into it with six spots and at each area a different spot has a crystalimbedded on it. Adol remembered the mark from before arriving in Ys and hefigured it had to do something with the Six Priests of Ys. Adol then headedto the southeastern part of town and stumbled upon Bernise's house, she isLilia's mother. Upon entering she talked with Adol and let him know thatLilia though looking well now is deathly ill and was told she would only liveabout three months longer. She knew though that Dr. Flair could make a curefor her to let her live. Bernice handed Adol a letter for Dr. Flair to assistin Lilia's hopeful recovery if Adol could only find him. She also knew thatthe road ahead was difficult and gave him $300 gold pieces to get a nice swordand some protection. As he began to exit Bernice stopped Adol and told himnot to let Lilia know that she is dying and that she didn't know either abouther illness and it would be best to stay that way.

Adol exited Bernice's house and decided he must immediately find not only theElder now, but Dr. Flair as well. Heading north from her house he found a manoff to the side of the item shop looking in distress. Adol asked to see if hewas alright, and to his surprise he stumbled upon the doctors brother. Hetold Adol that he needs help recovering the doctor from an underground mine.A carrier pigeon brought a message back from him stating that he was somewherewithin a mine and the passage caved in behind him trapping him inside. Adolknew now that he must find this mine, as soon as, possible to save the doctorso Lilia wouldn't die. Adol then backed away from him and headed slightly duewest to the Elder's home to find his wife. She lets Adol know he had left forthe Ruins and would be back later.

Leaving the Elder's home Adol headed for the shop to get some gear with themoney Bernise gave him. Inside Adol found that his money wouldn't go to farand decided he'd have to get a Short Sword and the Chain Armor which would useup all his money. After buying the gear he equipped his new goods and headedto the entrance to the Ruins from Rance Village in the northwestern end oftown.

Upon entering the Ruins Adol knew he must locate the Elder and decided to takea look around and hope he stumbled upon him. In the ruins he had to head tothe right and south a bit before he could go another direction. He decided togo right around the corner and up a bit and then off to the left which led upyet again and then turned to the right. Then he had two options, to go downand right a bit, or northward, Adol went down. To Adols surprise he came upona treasure chest and opened it, and inside he located an Ancient Slate. Adolthen backtracked and went north and continued to an open place with two smallpaths that went up a bit and followed it to another part of the clearing.Here on the ground he spotted something, a Roda Tree Nut, and took it for abit later as it would be handy to have. Adol then backtracked all the wayback to where he first came in to and then headed to the right as far as hecould coming upon more trees and headed north through them. As he went northhe saw two tough looking goons standing side by side and decided to pass themfor now. More northward he came upon a man and talked to him, he Regs toldAdol he needed help killing those goons to get the contents of a chest that isapparently behind them, Adol agreed. As Adol approached the silent toweringgoons he took a long look and decided a slowly timed attack first starting onthe right goon would be the best. As Adol swiped at the goon hurting it a bitit dealt Adol a strong blow. Adol had to back off and catch his breath beforetrying again. Adol for a long time continued this pattern unit he dispatchedthe goon on the right, and did the same with the one on the left. Adol thenwent to claim his prize, the treasure chest contents. Upon opening it Adoluncovered the Wand of the Holy World and took it to Regs who with amazementthat Adol got it told him to go to the room behind him and touch the GoddessStatue with it. Adol did, and a bright white light engulfed him and a funnyfeeling passed over him. The Goddesses of Ys bestowed upon him the abilityto harness the power of magic.

Adol then worked his way back out of the Ruins not able to find the Elderhoping he returned to Rance Village. The Elder did return fortunatley forAdol. Upon speaking to the Elder he apologuized to Adol for the trouble hecaused him trying up to him. The Elder continued then to speak about the sixBooks of Ys he holds letting him know he needs to return them to the Holy areabeyond the ruins to these six rooms each with a statue of one of the Priestsof Ys as the books have their souls bound within there pages. Adol agreed toreturn the Books of Ys to there final resting places in the Holy area. TheElder told him to return to the Ruins and talk to a man there named A???

[X. History, Thanks, and Credits]

Thanks so far go out to...
- animefx, Opoth, and skywarp of Vertigo 2099 who encouraged me to start this
big guide and have helped me a little bit along the way.
- Nihon Falcom and Hudson, Falcom to making Ys a reality, and Hudson for
porting it onto a CD for its Turbo Duo.

Ys Book I & II are copyrighted by Nihon Falcom 1987, 1988 and Hudson 1990.
All the underlying information is copyrighted by them and was extracted from
the Turbo Duo's CD Manual. Without the manual as a source this guide would
not have the Story section, as well as, its most accurate information in the
most the other sections as well.

[Version 0.51 - Small fixes/additions.]
- Started some of the beginning information on the Book II quest.
- Added some information on the prices of materials.
- Added some information on where to find items in Ys Book II.
- Small fixes on information, grammar, and spelling.

[Version 0.5 - First public release ...finally!]
- Finished all information pertaining to the Ys Book I.
- Finished the entire Ys Book I walkthrough and ending.
- Fixed a few missing and/or incorrect things.
- Added a few more miscellaneous things.

[Version 0.4 - Just a few things left for the first 1/2.]
- Almost Completed the Ys Book I Item List.
- Added all the Ys Book I material to the Swords, Armors, and Shields Section.
- Took the walkthrough up to entering the Theives den to get in Darm Tower.
- Added more to the Helpful Hints Section.
- Added miscellaneous stuff.

[Version 0.3 - Still adding stuff, bigger than I thought.]
- Added many more Items and prices.
- Added Helpful Hints Section.
- Added Swords, Armors, and Shields for Ys Book I & II section.
- Added the Items & Magic of Ys Book II section
- Got up past the shrine in the walkthrough.

[Version 0.2 - Finding it fun I continue...]
- Restarted playing the game and took down some more information on the game.
- Added a the Character's List and more to the Items List.
- Started the Ys Book I Walkthrough

[Version 0.1 - Just starting...4/20/98]
- After talkin with a few friend of the Ys Books I & II, I start the guide.
- Added just the Story, Object of the Game, and a few Items from Ys Book I.

&copy J. Kennedy 2001
Original copyright &copy Nihon Falcom 1987, 1988 & &copy Hudson 1990

TuxedoMsk's Ys Book I & II Online Walkthrough and Guide (2025)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.